Our Affiliations

Your DNA Test Specialist in India

EasyDNA India offers you fast and affordable home DNA testing that is highly accurate and confidential. Our DNA tests are conducted in Brisbane, Australia, with state of the art equipment and are competitively priced making them affordable and accurate. Your samples will be analysed in a NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) or international equivalent accredited ISO 17025 laboratory for your assurance. We know that doing a DNA test is not a straightforward choice and picking the right company will ensure your peace of mind.
A healthy well - being is something we all think about and when given the option, we spend we spend the extra amount with ease knowing that it's a better choice over all. Surely our beloved pets deserve the same quality food. Considering this fact, home - made diet is a much better choice for our fur babies. Be careful about what you are feeding your pets. Knowing what goes inside that bowl is our responsibility. We at Go-fur-real nutrition are here to help you with just that. We will make a perfect meal plan for your loving pet, targeting its every need, aliments, nutritional requirements.

Aakerschika Narayan Mishra (Clinical Pet Nutritionist)

Vikrant Shokeen
We all at some point in our lives, have wanted to love and be loved.
We have read epic stories on the power of love and the miracles it brings in our lives.
And then we meet a dog and everything changes!
From the soulful eyes, to goofy expressions, to simple games of fetch, the attention seeking barks. And many a midlight slurpy kisses or a hungry growl - this is a love - that touches the deepest core of your being - to be able to look into your pups eyes and feel a love that can never be spoken of.
And just like that - Bella happened to me.
How does one encapsulate a life - so deeply connected with each other. How do you hold memories if its only in your mind. How do you hold and cherish that look, those heart melting pure eyes and warm smile which holds all the happiness of yours to ransom.
I am a creater of those memories for you. Just like the way a tear rolled down my cheek when I saw a huge 24 inches by  36 inches of a canvas print come out of its packaging - I want to be that person - who gives you this experience. I want to be your pet's photographer.
I am a photographer but more that than I am the person who creates memories that will last you a life time - hanging on a wall - looking at you - and making you smile.

Bhavesh Karia